Autorenprofil von Bea Laura



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wie ich zum Schreiben gekommen bin? Ja das ist eine gute Frage. Das habe ich eigentlich meiner Deutsch Professorin zu verdanken, die mir immer schlechte Noten für meine Schularbeiten gab. Fragt sich nur wieso. Ich bin nicht der Mensch, der unter Stresssituationen texte verfassen kann.
Jedoch habe ich die Leidenschaft nicht aufgeben. Ich schreibe für mein Leben gern. :) es ist wie das Tanzen. Ein Eintauchen in eine andere schönere Welt.
Ich hoffe euch gefällt, dass was ich schreibe. Und nun, da ich schon alles gesagt habe, bleibt mir nur übrig zusagen, viel Spaß :D Und denkt dran Big Brother is watching you xD
Bea Laura | 24.10.1993



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hey :)

 das war vor 2 Wochen eine Englisch Hausübung. Ich dachte mir es würde hier irgendwie passen. 



Description of my memorable journey


In the morning, it was Wednesday, the 12th September I finally arrived in England to Ballet- School- Academy.
My first impression of the school was great, amazing and incredible.  I couldn’t believe that this would be my school for 6 months.

When I got out of the taxi I saw pupils playing and having fun on the schoolyard.

The building looked like it was built in the Renaissance and had a little influence of Gothic.  It had lots of windows, which were beautified with little flowers and horses. The entrance seemed to come from a château. And all in all it was harmony to my eyes.

 I was a little bit frightened from the big and beautiful building, but also excited in a positive way what was in there and what I had to expect behind these walls. 

After marvelling at the front façade of Ballet Academy I finally found my way into university.

The hallway was really long and really wide that there was a possibility to place informative stages about the coming dates.

 So I took part in a tour. And I could not stop stunning. There were 12 dance halls and a canteen, where you can eat whatever you like.

Then we went into a big hall, where the stage for performances was.  The stage was large and had a good dance floor. And the illumination was incredible.

The principal came and went on the stage. He told us to sit down and to listen. After telling us important information about the school and rehearsal lessons we had to go on stage. The principal told us with who we were in a room and which number the room had.

 I got a room with a nice girl, called Lucy. She was also from Austria but since 5 years she has been living in England.

After packing out things we had our first rehearsal lesson with Ms Professor Clarks, who was a nice person and had a pleasant character. The lesson was exhausting, but it was great. After the lesson I was sleeping like a bear.
My normal course of every day was: school, eating, break, dancing and learning, dancing and sleeping.  

At the last day I had a great time with my English school friends. I was sad and tired, but I was looking forward to see my family and my friends in Austria again. 

My best experience I’ve ever had was the final performance, which was the composition of “Swan Lake” where I danced the black Swan.

Here I am thinking of my first rehearsal…… My first rehearsal… I am on stage, which shimmers in a warm sunlight. I feel like in the seventh cloud. The music begins. I feel that every cell of my body begins to connect with the music. My self-control stops, my thinking stops, everywhere silence, only the music takes over my heart. I am ready to fly, fly… fly…. Fly like a bird. 

I will never forget this experience.




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23.12.2011 18:36
Einen herzlichen Dank möchte ich an die Leute aus mySTORYs richten, die mich 2011 immer inspirierten, lasen und mit ihren eigenen Storys grandios unterhielten. Ich würde sagen, ich kann euch fast als Freunde bezeichnen. Ich bin wirklich froh darüber, hier zu sein und so viele tolle Menschen gefunden zu haben.
Frohe Festtage, Gottes Segen und guten Rutsch
09.12.2011 23:26
Stimme dir voll zu ;) Tanzen ist wie lesen ;)
09.12.2011 22:11
hi du,
tanzen und schreiben - da haben wir schon zwei hobbys gemeinsam *freu* :) darf ich fragen, was du so tanzt?
liebe grüße
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