Songs of Life

"Songs of Life"
Veröffentlicht am 16. November 2013, 14 Seiten
Kategorie Gedichte

Über den Autor:

Ich heiße Jannika, und ich lebe für die Geschichten. Eines Tages kann ich vielleicht von ihnen leben. Bis dahin lese ich jedes Buch, was mir in die Finger kommt :)
Songs of Life

Songs of Life

Song of Seasons

Kissed by the stars Golden glow in the river There is wind in the grass And the water lands shiver Today you are near Gently holding me fast But will you be here When the autumn has passed? Fondled by moonlight Silver mist, silver springs The meadows are milk white And a lone blackbird sings Still you remain Softly holding my hand Will you do it again When white frost rakes the land?

Covered with leaves Auburn forest, gnarled trees The old willow grieves Summertime memories Yet your words speak of love Arms embracing me hard When the storms broil above Will you still want my heart? Sleeping in snow Sparkling world full of dread The white mountaintops glow And the songbirds are dead And you sneaked away In the dead of the night Your weak soul could not stay You were not made to

fight For the friends of the summer Are fair and are bright But they leave with the sun And their touches are light But the children of winter Are brave and are strong Like the skies reach eternal And their love lasts as long.

Song of Parting

When our days of light are spent And the flame of life is gone To the land where stories end We will go, and go as one On the long and winding road Of which songs and gods don't tell On forgotten seas we'll float We'll set sail and bid farewell While our minds and troubles rest From the chains of time released We will brave our final quest In a distant land of peace But in all fair winds that blow In the rising of the sun In all good things that will grow In every smile, our love lives on.

Song OF Storms

If pain could make a sound, Would it whimper, would it squeal? Would it howl, bay like a hound Or ring clear like costly steel ? If my fury were a tune Would the dancers be on fire ? Against all doubts and fears immune Raging wild, to my desire ? If your face where but a mask Of fake emotions meant for show I'll not forgive, as you have asked For you can harvest what you sow If my reproach could be a river I'd make sure that you would drown Take my arrow and my quiver From the heavens shoot you

down If the storm could break the love And all the passion that's now lost I'd cheer it from above For all the misery it's caused.

Song OF The Forgotten

Bedded in the jagged rocks Gnawed by the tooth of time High above the shepherd’s flocks A ruin sleeps in vines  

The river roars, the wind it howls A sigh of long ago The sheep they graze, the shepherd growls The looming chestnuts grow

The halls of men once highly praised Now drown in bitter rain And no one’s voice is ever raised In stirring song again 

No footfall on the cracked stairs The sky is stabbed by boles A shadow flees – a lonesome hare The chestnuts swallow whole

The lonely ruins time shall sweep Where Kings and Lords have passed Their bodies rotting in the deep Above them, sheep eat grass.


Above the clouds a lone birds sings

Locked in a cage without a key

It perches there with broken wings

And painful memories.

No starlight in the empty skies

Trees whither in the bitter cold

And flickering, a hope that dies

Trapped in a cage of gold.

The moon peers out, the watchful eye

The snow it falls in gentle flakes

When from a winter sleep of lies

The dreaming bird awakes

A wind stirs in the breathless heights

It rattles on the golden bars

And in the dark, a bird takes flight

And soars under the stars.



Über den Autor

Ich heiße Jannika, und ich lebe für die Geschichten. Eines Tages kann ich vielleicht von ihnen leben. Bis dahin lese ich jedes Buch, was mir in die Finger kommt :)


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Araegis Ich muss erhlich sagen, selbst mit meinem Wortschatz hab ich nicht alles verstanden, aber ich glaube ich habs vom SInn her schon hingekriegt ;) Und jetzt zum anderen Punkt: I am amazed :D ne wirklich ich find die lieder mega gut :D mach weiter so ;)
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Tianshij Das ist hohes Lob für mich :) Wenn ich könnte würd ich dir nochmal Coins schenken aber das Limit xD
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Araegis ja ich weis hört sich jetzt komisch an wenn man das so liest, aber das ist normal bei mir ;)
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Araegis kein ding :) wie gesagt ich finds hammer :)
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