Romane & Erzählungen
Reign's Retribution - 5 - The Bond of Seven

"Reign's Retribution - 5 - The Bond of Seven"
Veröffentlicht am 02. Mai 2010, 8 Seiten
Kategorie Romane & Erzählungen

Über den Autor:

Ich bin Hanni. Die Lustknaben auf meiner imaginären tropischen Insel pflegen mich allerdings Niripsa zu nennen. Dort herrsche ich über ausgedehnte Kaffeeplantagen und die weltbesten Röstereien, ich lasse mich in einer Sänfte mal hier- mal dorthin tragen, tauche auf dem Rücken meines zahmen Haies (der schreckliche Angst vor Schmetterlingen hat) durch die Meere und höre dazu achtzig Jahre alte Aufnahmen französischer Musik. Ich rede gerne und viel ...
Reign's Retribution - 5 - The Bond of Seven

Reign's Retribution - 5 - The Bond of Seven


"You wanted me last night." Her eyes snapped up, staring in his. Reign's heart raced as he leaned even closer, he had to make her understand how she made him feel. "And I want you," he breathed against her skin when she turned her head away. He had to let her go, he thought while his lips consumed the distance between them and touched her skin.

Chapter 8

With an amount of willpower he'd had no idea he possessed, Reign wrenched himself upright and several feet away from her. Damn his so called fucking noblesse! Cursing, he drew a hand over his face before he looked back at his own personal siren.



Azalea felt as though she'd been slapped. The heat of his body vanishing so quickly made her shiver in the cool night air, but it shook some sense back into her as well. What had she been thinking? That all of a sudden handsome knights would drop to their knees, declaring endless love? No man with looks like his had ever looked at her beyond her money. But worse, she'd behaved like a wanton, throwing herself at knights she didn't know. Celebrating her freedom was one thing, making an utter fool of herself something entirely different.

“Milady, I apologize!” the knights rough voice broke through her reverie. He looked shaken and his eyes burned with the same heat, she had just felt.

“It would be best if I took you back.”

She took a breath, “There will be no need for that, sir. I am going to ask my maid to accompany me. We will be perfectly safe, I assure you.”


Reign's insides felt twisted. Everything had turned out terribly wrong. He should be the one feeling like an ass, yet it was she who looked anguished. He wanted to reach out to her, make up for his actions, make her smile again, he couldn't stand her leaving him with a frown on her lips. But alas, she did. Bobbing a curtsy she hurriedly turned on her heel and stomped off inelegantly.




The following morning Azalea woke with a throbbing headache. Pressing a hand to her forehead she tried to ease the pain but it would not work. She could hardly remember hurrying back to the castle or climbing in bed. Stretching her limbs she noticed that she had apparently not taken the time to undress. She grimaced.

“Good morning, milady,” Mary croaked, her voice sounding as cheerful as Azalea felt.

Blinking her eyes open, Azalea acknowledged her maids presence with a tired nod and gasped.

“Don't look at me like that Lea! It's not like you'd win any beauty pageant right now.”

“What?” Mary looked positively ghastly, her eyes were bloodshot, she had dark circles under her eyes and her skin had an ill grey tinge to it. Azalea could not believe she looked even remotely as bad as her. But before she could state her theory on the matter Mary shoved a big mirror in her face and Azalea had to avert her eyes from the frightful reflection, “Ew.”

“I know.”

“Thank you very much.”

“I was as bad when I got up. I've already had you a bath fixed, hot water does wonders.”

As much as she trusted Mary, Azalea was certain that no amount of water or soap could turn her back into her usual self. Not that she'd say no to a good long soak.

“And I got you some of the concoction cook prepared for me. It tastes awful but she swears by it and honestly, I don't think we can be picky if we want you to look your best today.”

Azalea eyed the greenish brown potion, thinking she would rather stay in bed that day than drink it, “Why would I want to look my best?”

“Because of the tournament, of course.”

“Oh no!” She had absolutely forgotten that it would begin this soon. She'd have to sit on the king's podium to greet and thank and honour and whatever the competing knights. Along with her aunt and the beautiful Elisabeth, she groaned.

“At least you'll get to see the Duke again, he's sure to win some of the fights.”

“The duke?”

“Lord Reign. You seemed to have a good time yesterday.”

“You mean Thorn?”

Mary shook her head, “I can tell those two apart. Not that Thorn isn't handsome, you'd have to be blind and deaf not to think so, but Lord Reign... He's something entirely different. Though not quite as god-like as Terror, if you ask me.”

While she chatted along, and it seemed like men were a topic she'd not tire of any time soon, Azalea tried to remember meeting the infamous Duke of Canterbury. But try as she might, she could not recall having met him. She'd only danced with Thorn and later, her face turned white when she remembered her humiliation, she had conversed with the roguish knight.

“Did you know that he actually refuses to meet any of the Ladies? It's making society matrons crazy. First the king himself let's slip that the Duke is on the lookout for a wife and then said Duke won't grant any audiences, for that's what you can call them, really.” she breathed, “And it’s such a shame, for he is a fine looking man. Not that that's a basis for marriage or anything, but it's definitely a bonus. And it would almost be a sacrilege not to pass on such perfect bone-structure material to the next generation.”

Azalea cocked an eyebrow, now that was new, “You think it would be a sacrilege to the species if he didn't procreate?”

“Yes,” she said matter of factly, “But his looks aren't all to warrant his multiplication. He is fierce and strong and honourable. Indefeatable, as far as I know, oh, come on Lea, you know as much about him as I do.”

Azalea grinned and sat up, “Apparently not.”

“Now drink this and listen.” Busying herself fixing up Azalea, Mary went on, “The way he looked at you last night alone would have – had you been anywhere else – caused an uproar. That much is for certain.”


Über den Autor

Ich bin Hanni. Die Lustknaben auf meiner imaginären tropischen Insel pflegen mich allerdings Niripsa zu nennen. Dort herrsche ich über ausgedehnte Kaffeeplantagen und die weltbesten Röstereien, ich lasse mich in einer Sänfte mal hier- mal dorthin tragen, tauche auf dem Rücken meines zahmen Haies (der schreckliche Angst vor Schmetterlingen hat) durch die Meere und höre dazu achtzig Jahre alte Aufnahmen französischer Musik.
Ich rede gerne und viel und habe dabei allermeistens auch das Gefühl etwas zu sagen zu haben.
Nur jetzt will mir einfach nicht mehr einfallen...verdammt! ;-)


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Kommentar schreiben

ZMistress Re: Re: -
Zitat: (Original von hanni86 am 15.06.2010 - 13:00 Uhr)
Zitat: (Original von ZMistress am 09.06.2010 - 22:48 Uhr) Weiter! Wie kannst du denn ausgerechnet hier aufhören?!
Dass Azalea nach so einer Nacht nicht wie aus dem Ei gepellt ist, finde ich sehr sympatisch. Mary hat mich mehr als einmal schmunzeln lassen. Irgendwie gefallen mir die Frauen bei dir am besten, denn die schreibst du einfach genial.

Ähm, *grins* ich bin grad selbst ein wenig unschlüssig wies weitergehen soll... Ich schwanke so zwischen Verwechslungskomödie (die beiden kommen zam ohne die richtigen Namen zu kennen und es kommt später zu dramatischen Anschuldigungen und Zweifeln ;-) ) und nicht-Verwechlungskomödie (da weiß ich aber dann nicht wies später dramatisch werden soll...ohne ihn noch unsymathischer zu machen) hin und her. Ich hab nämlich schon recht viel in einer unüberarbeiteten Version in der er auch richtig nett sein kann, der Reign aber wie er so sein kann ohne ihr zu sagen wer er ist und überhaupt wie soll sie nicht herausfinden wer er ist, wenn er doch so bekannt ist...pfff. Soll ich ihn wissen lassen wer sie ist und sie nicht wer er ist? Dann könnt sie später böse auf ihn sein (zurecht) wenn sie herausfindet wer er is und dass er ihr das absichtlich verheimlicht hat (dabei wollte er nur mal schauen wie gut er Eindruck schinden kann auch ohne seinen Namen???) ? Hach, ich bin echt unschlüssig...naja, die Ferien beginnen ja bald. ;-)

Ich mache es mir jetzt mal leicht und gebe keine Meinung dazu ab, sondern lass mich mal überraschen. Du machst das schon.
Vor langer Zeit - Antworten
hanni86 Re: -
Zitat: (Original von ZMistress am 09.06.2010 - 22:48 Uhr) Weiter! Wie kannst du denn ausgerechnet hier aufhören?!
Dass Azalea nach so einer Nacht nicht wie aus dem Ei gepellt ist, finde ich sehr sympatisch. Mary hat mich mehr als einmal schmunzeln lassen. Irgendwie gefallen mir die Frauen bei dir am besten, denn die schreibst du einfach genial.

Ähm, *grins* ich bin grad selbst ein wenig unschlüssig wies weitergehen soll... Ich schwanke so zwischen Verwechslungskomödie (die beiden kommen zam ohne die richtigen Namen zu kennen und es kommt später zu dramatischen Anschuldigungen und Zweifeln ;-) ) und nicht-Verwechlungskomödie (da weiß ich aber dann nicht wies später dramatisch werden soll...ohne ihn noch unsymathischer zu machen) hin und her. Ich hab nämlich schon recht viel in einer unüberarbeiteten Version in der er auch richtig nett sein kann, der Reign aber wie er so sein kann ohne ihr zu sagen wer er ist und überhaupt wie soll sie nicht herausfinden wer er ist, wenn er doch so bekannt ist...pfff. Soll ich ihn wissen lassen wer sie ist und sie nicht wer er ist? Dann könnt sie später böse auf ihn sein (zurecht) wenn sie herausfindet wer er is und dass er ihr das absichtlich verheimlicht hat (dabei wollte er nur mal schauen wie gut er Eindruck schinden kann auch ohne seinen Namen???) ? Hach, ich bin echt unschlüssig...naja, die Ferien beginnen ja bald. ;-)
Vor langer Zeit - Antworten
ZMistress Weiter! Wie kannst du denn ausgerechnet hier aufhören?!
Dass Azalea nach so einer Nacht nicht wie aus dem Ei gepellt ist, finde ich sehr sympatisch. Mary hat mich mehr als einmal schmunzeln lassen. Irgendwie gefallen mir die Frauen bei dir am besten, denn die schreibst du einfach genial.
Vor langer Zeit - Antworten
hanni86 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Oh honny...XD -
Zitat: (Original von Dome am 02.05.2010 - 15:59 Uhr)
Zitat: (Original von hanni86 am 02.05.2010 - 15:58 Uhr)
Zitat: (Original von Dome am 02.05.2010 - 15:54 Uhr)
Zitat: (Original von hanni86 am 02.05.2010 - 15:51 Uhr)
Zitat: (Original von Dome am 02.05.2010 - 15:48 Uhr)
Zitat: (Original von hanni86 am 02.05.2010 - 15:28 Uhr)
Zitat: (Original von Dome am 02.05.2010 - 15:11 Uhr) Now that i know this could I never shun you now I feel attracted to you but please swear me that you never will make me suffer

(Der lässt mich anders nimmer antworten, tze!)

Oh, please, I beg you, darling heart, ask anything of me but not that! How could I promise I would never hurt you, when deep down in my heart I know I feel unworthy of your love?

(Genau dass wollte ich hören)

Oh sugarplum thats transcendent that it was exactly what my ears wanted to hear

Is it true then, you feel nothing for me! All those vows, nothing but pretty words and soft (??) lips (??)... Oh my, gracious love, don´t tell me this, don´t say you love me not!

Oh no you are everthing for me love i can't remember the time befor you came into my life

Oh, sweety sweeting! For me, I´m sure there was no time, no word, no life before I met thee. How could I ever live without your love?

sweety sweeting? ich schmeiß mich weg

aber ned zu weit, ja? Musst ja aufpassen, wenn ich da als Sitzheizung herhalten muss!
Vor langer Zeit - Antworten
hanni86 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Oh honny...XD -
Zitat: (Original von Dome am 02.05.2010 - 15:54 Uhr)
Zitat: (Original von hanni86 am 02.05.2010 - 15:51 Uhr)
Zitat: (Original von Dome am 02.05.2010 - 15:48 Uhr)
Zitat: (Original von hanni86 am 02.05.2010 - 15:28 Uhr)
Zitat: (Original von Dome am 02.05.2010 - 15:11 Uhr) Now that i know this could I never shun you now I feel attracted to you but please swear me that you never will make me suffer

(Der lässt mich anders nimmer antworten, tze!)

Oh, please, I beg you, darling heart, ask anything of me but not that! How could I promise I would never hurt you, when deep down in my heart I know I feel unworthy of your love?

(Genau dass wollte ich hören)

Oh sugarplum thats transcendent that it was exactly what my ears wanted to hear

Is it true then, you feel nothing for me! All those vows, nothing but pretty words and soft (??) lips (??)... Oh my, gracious love, don´t tell me this, don´t say you love me not!

Oh no you are everthing for me love i can't remember the time befor you came into my life

Oh, sweety sweeting! For me, I´m sure there was no time, no word, no life before I met thee. How could I ever live without your love?
Vor langer Zeit - Antworten
hanni86 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Oh honny...XD -
Zitat: (Original von Dome am 02.05.2010 - 15:48 Uhr)
Zitat: (Original von hanni86 am 02.05.2010 - 15:28 Uhr)
Zitat: (Original von Dome am 02.05.2010 - 15:11 Uhr) Now that i know this could I never shun you now I feel attracted to you but please swear me that you never will make me suffer

(Der lässt mich anders nimmer antworten, tze!)

Oh, please, I beg you, darling heart, ask anything of me but not that! How could I promise I would never hurt you, when deep down in my heart I know I feel unworthy of your love?

(Genau dass wollte ich hören)

Oh sugarplum thats transcendent that it was exactly what my ears wanted to hear

Is it true then, you feel nothing for me! All those vows, nothing but pretty words and soft (??) lips (??)... Oh my, gracious love, don´t tell me this, don´t say you love me not!
Vor langer Zeit - Antworten
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