Showing Me Some Light

"Showing Me Some Light"
Veröffentlicht am 05. Februar 2024, 4 Seiten
Kategorie Liebesgedichte
© Umschlag Bildmaterial: redcollegiya -

Über den Autor:

Es gibt 2 gute Gründe, warum ich nichts über mich schreiben mag: 1. Mir ist aufgefallen, dass zu neugierige Arbeitgeber, nach mir googeln und diese Seite finden, weil ich eben kein FB-Account habe. 2. Weil ich nicht weiß, womit ich anfangen sollte und wozu überhaupt?
Showing Me Some Light

Showing Me Some Light

Showing me Some Light

You've stole my heart and my sleep but I am the one who owe you more still! Nothing I could do makes it possible for me to ever pay that kind of bill. Please... make sure that I won't awake anymore, my sweet, living dream. I wish to float with you until the end along of life's and time's stream. You make me believe again, you give me hope and a reason to breath a while longer... Every second you donate to my heart, just makes my desire for you even

stronger! You've already proved to me that the light of love is stronger than the darkest pain... there's nothing more important, nothing more valueable except for you I could ever gain. It's like you are treating all of my wounds and scars which I've got from my war against hell... with you on my side all of my bad nightmares are gone and I can finally start to live well. Holding you in my arms and spoiling you with my kisses will become one of many gifts for

you, making you happy, smiling, laughing, singing, that's from now on my main goals I wish to do! Your name rules over my thoughts, touches my heart, bounds me to you tighter and tighter... looking into your blue eyes, losing myself into those turns even my dark eyes way brighter. What I mean to say with those words here is simply "I love you" and that I will be only yours... as long as you wish, I am ready and happy to spend my whole life with you, all of my last years.



Über den Autor

Es gibt 2 gute Gründe, warum ich nichts über mich schreiben mag:
1. Mir ist aufgefallen, dass zu neugierige Arbeitgeber, nach mir googeln und diese Seite finden, weil ich eben kein FB-Account habe.
2. Weil ich nicht weiß, womit ich anfangen sollte und wozu überhaupt?


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